📄️ $$and
Evaluates to true if all values provided will evaluate to true (using the Truthy logic).
📄️ $$at
Returns the value of an array at a specific index.
📄️ $$avg
Returns the average of all values in the array
📄️ $$base64
Encode to or decode from base64.
📄️ $$boolean
Evaluates input to boolean using the Truthy logic
📄️ $$coalesce / $$first
Returns the first non-null value.
📄️ $$concat
Concatenates primary value array with elements or other arrays of elements.
📄️ $$contains
Checks whether an array contains a certain value
📄️ $$csv
Converts an array of objects/arrays to a CSV string
📄️ $$csvparse
Converts a CSV string into an array of objects/arrays
📄️ $$date
Date formatting utility
📄️ $$decimal
Converts number to BigDecimal type
📄️ $$digest
Creates a message digest based on a supported algorithm.
📄️ $$distinct
Returns a distinct array (repeating elements removed, only primitive values are supported if no by is specified)
📄️ $$entries
Gets the entries* of an object or an array
📄️ $$eval
Evaluates the input and then transforms the context with the expression
📄️ $$filter
Filter input array to all the elements that satisfy the predicate transformer.
📄️ $$find
Find the first element in a specified array that satisfy the predicate transformer.
📄️ $$flat
Flatten an array of arrays (non array elements will remain).
📄️ $$flatten
Flattens a JsonObject into a flat dot seperated list of entries.
📄️ $$form
Converts an object to Form URL-Encoded string (a.k.a Query String)
📄️ $$formparse
Parses a Form URL-Encoded string to object
📄️ $$group
Groups an array of elements into a map of key:array
📄️ $$if
Conditionally returns a value, if the evaluation of the condition argument is truthy (using the Truthy logic). A fallback value (if condition evaluates to false) is optional.
📄️ $$is
Returns true if all predicates arguments are satisfied.
📄️ $$isnull
Returns true if value does not exist or equal to null
📄️ $$join
Joins an array of inputs as strings with an optional delimiter (default is "").
📄️ $$jsonparse
Parses input as JSON string
📄️ $$jsonpatch
Apply patches defined by JSON Patch RFC-6902
📄️ $$jsonpath
Query a JSON document using JSONPath
📄️ $$jsonpointer
Apply mutations on object paths using JSON Pointer (defined by RFC-6901)
📄️ $$jwtparse
Parses the JWT token to retrieve its claims
📄️ $$length
Returns the length of a value
📄️ $$long
Converts to integer, all decimal digits are truncated
📄️ $$lookup
Joins multiple arrays of objects by a dynamic condition (transformer) on each pair of matches
📄️ $$lower
Converts a string to all lowercase letters
📄️ $$map
Returns a mapped array applying the transformer on each of the elements
📄️ $$match
Returns a matched substring from input by a pattern
📄️ $$matchall
Returns all matches substring from input by a pattern (and optionally group id)
📄️ $$math
Evaluate a mathematical expression
📄️ $$max
Returns the max of all values in the array
📄️ $$min
Returns the min of all values in the array
📄️ $$normalize
Replace special characters forms with their simple form equivalent (removing marks by default)
📄️ $$not
Returns the opposite of the input's boolean evaluated value (this returns the opposite of $$boolean)
📄️ $$numberformat
Formats a number
📄️ $$numberparse
Parses a number from string
📄️ $$object
Reduces an array of entries into an object
📄️ $$or
Evaluates to true if any of the values provided will evaluate to true (using the Truthy logic).
📄️ $$pad
Pad a provided string with a certain character(s) repeated until a certain width of output string
📄️ $$partition
Partition an array to multiple constant size arrays
📄️ $$range
Creates an array with a sequence of numbers starting with start up-to end in steps of step
📄️ $$raw
Returns the input as-is without interpreting transformers
📄️ $$reduce
Reduce an array with an initial value (identity) and a context transformer to a single value.
📄️ $$replace
Search and replaces a substring in the given input.
📄️ $$reverse
Reverses the order of elements in an array.
📄️ $$slice
Returns a slice of an array from a start index to end index (exclusive).
📄️ $$sort
Sorts elements of an array
📄️ $$split
Splits a string using a given delimiter/regex
📄️ $$string
Converts to string (if json set to true, will convert null and strings also as json strings)
📄️ $$substring
Gets a slice of an array by indices (negative begin index will slice from the end)
📄️ $$sum
Returns a sum of all values in the array
📄️ $$switch
Switch-case expression.
📄️ $$test
Checks if a string matches a certain pattern
📄️ $$transform
Applies a transformation inside a transformer (Useful for piping functions results).
📄️ $$trim
Removes whitespaces from sides of string
📄️ $$unflatten
Accepts an object with dot separated field names and merges them into an hierarchical object.
📄️ $$upper
Converts a string to all uppercase letters
📄️ $$uriparse
Parses a URI to its components
📄️ $$urldecode
URL decodes as string
📄️ $$urlencode
URL encodes as string
📄️ $$uuid
Format and transform UUID
📄️ $$value
Returns the value if it passes the Truthy logic, or null otherwise.
📄️ $$wrap
Wrap an input string with prefix and suffix
📄️ $$xml
Converts an object to XML string (a wrapper element can be added by specifying the field root with the element name).
📄️ $$xmlparse
Parses an XML and converts it to an object
📄️ $$xor
Evaluates to true if only one of the values provided will evaluate to true (using the Truthy logic).
📄️ $$yaml
Converts an object to YAML format
📄️ $$yamlparse
Parses a YAML format to object